MARGOT VII in the famous Glamor magazine

Glamor once again highlights the MARGOT VII brand with the Love pants.
The Love pants worn with chic
Glamor magazine today shows the Love pants worn chicly by model Elizabeth Fenton. Stylist Katya Anleu was able to create an eccentric look with a neon yellow top combined with the blazer and pants to emphasize the contrast. Photographer Ella Cochrane also managed to bring out each color in the different pieces worn. Here we can see a completely different style that shows a more eccentric way of wearing these famous Love pants.
A little color
Glamor has been able to splendorfully highlight this piece by MARGOT VII which we hope will inspire you with many looks. The simplicity of the Love pants allows you to wear them with all other colors and to be able to wear them with simplicity or, on the contrary, with eccentricity. Our different pants all have this touch of asymmetry and bi-material to make them unique. You can also find at MARGOT VII the Paris Tweed pants or the Linda pants which will allow you to be unique.
The Copper Room by Flying Solo @flyingsolonyc
Stylist: Katya Anleu @katyaschoice
Photographer: Ella Cochrane @ellasophiafashion
Talent/Model: Elizabeth Fenton @lizfento & Selena Christina Perez @selenachristinaperez
Hair: Ively Mercado
MUA: Brenda G. Jaramillo
Styling Assistant: Brenna Gates @rennagadez
Fashion Production: Jaqueline Lunkes @lunkestyle
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